(213) 407-4513 info@thebrandlist.com

About Us

The Brand List is a woman-owned business where designers and clients can discover resources, thought-provoking ideas, and inspiration for their current and future projects. Whether it’s an office renovation, hotel guest suites, multi-family, stadiums, or other spaces, our brands provide unique designs and products to set your project apart. We curate a diverse selection of brands, offering a unified portfolio that can fulfill all project needs.

We take pride in the brands we offer and their commitment to design and quality. Our dedication lies in providing brands with a strong, sustainable footprint. They come with credentials and global certifications for both raw materials and production.

a living room with a large round rug and chairs
soft and stylish modular seat collection

Mission & Brand Values

Our brands uphold the values of quality, warranty, and sustainability, backed by global certifications for their materials and production processes.

At The Brand List, our mission is to bridge the gap between exceptional design and functional spaces. We are committed to delivering unparalleled service to our clients through a carefully curated selection of top-quality furniture and architectural products, transforming spaces into inspiring, comfortable, and efficient environments.

We aim to exceed our client’s expectations by offering innovative solutions and nurturing enduring relationships with manufacturers and clients. We always uphold the highest standards of integrity and professionalism. Through our passion for design and commitment to excellence, we aspire to shape the world one space at a time, leaving a lasting mark on every project we undertake.

a living room with a large round rug and chairs

Our brands provide a range of Domestic and European-designed products for various markets, including:

  • Hospitality
  • Commercial Environments / Mixed Use
  • Casinos
  • Arenas/Stadiums
  • Senior Living
  • Multi-family
  • Airports
  • Gov/Institutional/Higher Ed
  • Residential

Why Choose Us

Exclusive Brands for Key Markets

We provide unique ancillary furniture and architectural brands tailored to essential vertical markets.

Quality, Punctuality, and Warranty

Our unwavering commitment to quality, on-time delivery, and comprehensive warranties ensures you get exceptional value.

Proven Brand Reputation

Our brands are renowned for their design, customization, and reliability, setting them apart from the competition.

Custom Bespoke Solutions

Beyond standard production and quality, we offer the flexibility to create custom, one-of-a-kind products to meet your specific needs.

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